Ostara’s Altar

New for Ostara’s Altar, opening March 16th!

Pagan Garden Statue Ad

A set of 5 different pagan garden statues to decorate your gardens or woodlands or whatever! Includes triskele, pentacle, triquetra, goddess and horned god versions. Each stone comes in a plain stone version or a mossy version for more worn looks. Each piece is 1 LI and is copy/mod.

Altar of Spring Adult AdAltar of Spring PG Ad

The altar of spring comes in both a PG and an adult version. Both have 29 quality couple cuddles, and the adult version has 78 adult animation sets! There are five stone options to choose from, three vine colors, and two ivy colors or no ivy option. It’s only 5 LI at default size, and is copy/mod.

A full-sized demo is out at the mainstore to test animations since I couldn’t squeeze it comfortably into the booth. 🙂

Ostara’s Altar opens March 16th!

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